4 Intelligent Finance Accounts to Monitor on TikTok

Managing your finances can feel like a challenge. From settling bills and submitting taxes to choosing where to invest, financial planning can seem overwhelming.

Nevertheless, if you spend ample time online, you’re likely to encounter finance influencers. On platforms such as [TikTok](https://mashable.com/category/tiktok), creators provide insights on nearly every financial subject you can think of.

### The Upsides and Downsides of FinTok

TikTok can serve as a beneficial resource for reaching your financial objectives, but it’s crucial to tread carefully. As with any online environment, there are numerous individuals endorsing get-rich-quick schemes, dubious advice, and outright frauds. The finance segment of TikTok, often called “FinTok,” contains a blend of credible professionals and less reliable sources.

To assist you in navigating this landscape, we’ve assembled a list of four finance influencers who offer meaningful insights and actionable advice. Remember that not every suggestion will fit your unique circumstances, so always conduct your own research before making financial choices.

## 1. [@BreakYourBudget](https://www.tiktok.com/@breakyourbudget)

Michela Allocca concentrates on money-saving techniques and financial planning. Her content is perfect for individuals looking to evaluate their financial practices and enhance their savings methods.

In a [2023 interview with *USA Today*](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/11/12/young-people-investment-advice-tiktok/71529053007/), Allocca noted that although she supports responsible financial habits, she refrains from suggesting specific investments.

*”I typically avoid providing investment advice,”* she stated. *”I don’t know your personal circumstances, so I can’t, in good faith, advise you to invest in a specific ETF or stock.”*

## 2. [@YourRichBFF](https://www.tiktok.com/@yourrichbff?lang=en)

Vivian Tu is a well-known finance creator recognized for sharing *wealth hacks*—helpful financial insights that many might not know. A former Wall Street expert, Tu has gathered nearly 3 million followers by creating concise, educational videos on subjects such as taxes, investing, and financial literacy.

In an [interview with *Yahoo Finance*](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/your-rich-bff-creator-vivian-tu-shares-3-wealth-hacks-163431325.html), Tu provided tips on how to make more informed financial decisions and take advantage of wealth-building opportunities.

## 3. [@humphreytalks](https://www.tiktok.com/@humphreytalk)

Humphrey Yang is a TikTok creator who focuses on investing and personal finance. His content aims to assist viewers in making well-informed financial choices.

The [*Australian Financial Review*](https://www.afr.com/wealth/personal-finance/i-watched-100-fintok-videos-here-are-five-finfluencers-to-follow-20240731-p5jy0u) (*AFR*) acknowledged Yang as a reliable FinTok figure. He is recognized for his viral videos that simplify complicated financial concepts—like the real size of a billion dollars—in an easily digestible manner.

Beyond stock market insights, Yang also offers essential information on retirement accounts and how to maximize them for long-term financial stability.

## 4. [@herfirst100k](https://www.tiktok.com/@herfirst100k?lang=en)

Tori Dunlap is the creator of *Her First 100K*, a TikTok account and financial education initiative aimed at empowering young women to manage their finances effectively. She shares tips on money management, saving, and wealth-building tactics.

Dunlap’s reach has expanded significantly, boasting over 2 million TikTok followers, a successful podcast, and a book deal. The [*Australian Financial Review*](https://www.afr.com/wealth/personal-finance/i-watched-100-fintok-videos-here-are-five-finfluencers-to-follow-20240731-p5jy0u) also listed her as a trustworthy source for financial guidance.

### Concluding Thoughts

While TikTok provides an abundance of financial insights, it’s vital to stay vigilant. Not every piece of advice is dependable, and financial decisions should always be made with thorough consideration. Utilize these influencers as a jumping-off point, but ensure you perform your own research before undertaking any significant financial actions.