Additional KFC, Taco Bell, and Pizza Hut Venues Set to Launch AI-Enhanced Drive-Thru Ordering

You may want to familiarize yourself with the Taco Bell mobile application.

This is due to the fact that Yum! Brands, which owns Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and KFC, is set to launch an AI-driven chatbot for drive-thru ordering at 500 sites in the second quarter of 2025. As stated in a [press release from the company](, this innovation was developed in partnership with [Nvidia]( and aims to deliver a “more natural, seamless ordering experience.” The chatbot will utilize conversational AI that adjusts to human speech patterns and other capabilities.

At first glance, the distinction between this system and the AI-driven drive-thru ordering that Taco Bell has been trying out at select locations since last year is unclear. Nevertheless, it’s clear that fast-food establishments are progressively embracing AI for ordering purposes.

Other prominent brands are also investigating comparable technology. [Wendy’s recently unveiled]( intentions to adopt AI in its drive-thrus, while [McDonald’s has previously trialed]( AI ordering, albeit not without complications. While human workers occasionally misinterpret orders, particularly through drive-thru speakers, AI may bring its own distinct and unpredictable errors.

If you’d prefer to steer clear of any potential AI blunders, you can always use the mobile app to place your order in advance.