All Tesla Cybertruck Recalls Since Release – View the Complete List

### Tesla Cybertruck: A Challenging Path Ahead

The Tesla Cybertruck was engineered to be a tough, steel-encased, fully electric pickup truck. Yet, its path has been far from seamless. Since launching, the **Cybertruck has encountered several recalls**, sparking worries about its dependability and sturdiness.

Although it has been on the market for just a little over a year, the Cybertruck has been recalled **countless times**, often due to significant hardware problems instead of minor software issues. The complications have included **parts detaching** and **accelerator pedals failing**, impacting almost every Cybertruck owner.

### Tesla’s Recall History

To give some context, **vehicle recalls are prevalent** throughout the automotive sector. In the **first quarter of 2024**, Ford topped the list with **17 recalls**, followed closely by Chrysler with **15**, while Tesla had **only 3**. Nonetheless, Tesla was notable for the **proportion of vehicles affected**, with the Cybertruck being especially vulnerable to recalls—**eight to date**.

Tesla does offer an [official recall webpage](, but it does not provide comprehensive or updated details. Below is a summary of all the Cybertruck recalls so far.

## **Cybertruck Recalls Overview**

### **January 2024: Instrument Panel Font Concern**
– **Type:** Software concern
– **Vehicles affected:** [2,193,869](
– **Issue:** The size of the warning indicator font was too small, possibly making it hard for drivers to see, which could heighten accident risks.
– **Affected models:** All 2024 Cybertrucks

### **April 2024: Stuck Accelerator Pedal**
– **Type:** Hardware concern
– **Vehicles affected:** [3,878](
– **Issue:** The accelerator pedal pad could detach under high force, risking it becoming stuck.
– **Affected models:** Cybertrucks made between **Nov. 13, 2023 – Apr. 4, 2024**

### **June 2024: Sail Applique Detachment**
– **Type:** Hardware concern
– **Vehicles affected:** [11,383](
– **Issue:** The sail applique on the truck bed trim might loosen or detach.
– **Affected models:** Cybertrucks made between **Nov. 13, 2023 – May 26, 2024**

### **June 2024: Windshield Wiper Failure**
– **Type:** Hardware concern
– **Vehicles affected:** 11,688
– **Issue:** The windshield wiper motor controller might fail due to electrical overstress.
– **Affected models:** Cybertrucks made between **Nov. 13, 2023 – June 6, 2024**

### **October 2024: Rearview Camera Lag**
– **Type:** Software concern
– **Vehicles affected:** [27,185](
– **Issue:** The rearview camera image could be delayed when reversing, increasing the risk of accidents.
– **Affected models:** Cybertrucks made between **Nov. 13, 2023 – Sept. 14, 2024**

### **November 2024: Flawed Drive Inverter**
– **Type:** Hardware concern
– **Vehicles affected:** [2,431](
– **Issue:** A defect in the drive inverter could cause torque loss in the vehicle.
– **Affected models:** Cybertrucks made between **Nov. 6, 2023 – July 30, 2024**

### **December 2024: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Failure**
– **Type:** Software concern
– **Vehicles affected:** 694,304
– **Issue:** A software malfunction caused the TPMS to fail, which could lead to unsafe driving conditions.
– **Affected models:** All 2024 Cybertrucks

### **March 2025: Cant Rail Detachment**
– **Type:** Hardware concern
– **Vehicles affected:** [46,096](