Blumhouse’s forthcoming horror movie, *The Woman in the Yard*, revolves around a terrifying presence that is precisely as portrayed: a woman ominously positioned in a yard. Clad in a complete black outfit that evokes mourning garb—or possibly the enigmatic Bene Gesserit from *Dune*—this unsettling figure may not initially seem frightening. Nevertheless, the film’s trailer swiftly eliminates any uncertainties regarding her threat.
In the preview, the titular character spreads fear upon a mother, portrayed by Danielle Deadwyler (*Station Eleven*, *Till*), and her youngsters. She emerges unexpectedly, delivering a chilling proclamation: “Today’s the day.” To intensify the horror, her hands are stained with blood, foretelling the dread that lies ahead.
Helmed by Jaume Collet-Serra (*Black Adam*, *Jungle Cruise*) and produced by horror virtuoso Jason Blum (*M3GAN*, *Five Nights at Freddy’s*), *The Woman in the Yard* vows to provide a spine-tingling cinematic journey.
Save the date: *The Woman in the Yard* hits theaters on March 28.