In 2008, a green sea turtle named Charlotte was injured by a boat, resulting in partial paralysis and the onset of “bubble butt syndrome.” This syndrome arises when air gets trapped within the back of a turtle’s shell, leading to buoyancy issues that hinder their swimming abilities.
Charlotte was rescued by Mystic Aquarium in Connecticut, which teamed up with 3D printing companies Adia and Formlabs to find a solution. Utilizing cutting-edge technology, the team performed a 3D scan of Charlotte’s body and created a custom harness that features an adjustable weight system. This system enables adjustments as air bubbles move, assisting in stabilizing the turtle’s swimming technique. The harness, finalized in late 2024, was manufactured using SLS 3D printers, among the most commonly available types found in the U.S. This breakthrough opens doors for other aquariums to implement the technology and produce similar harnesses for sea turtles that require help.
Adia, in partnership with New Balance, is currently looking for volunteers with knowledge in 3D printing, computational design, and materials science to aid in the creation of future harnesses. Those interested can answer their appeal for assistance.