*Love Me Trailer: Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun Feature in a Robotic Love Story*

Prepare yourself, as 2025 could very well bring forth the most captivating love tale of the year — featuring Kristen Stewart and Steven Yeun. The twist? They portray robots. Allow us to elaborate.

Emerging as a highlight from Sundance 2024, *Love Me* takes place in a future where humanity has completely disappeared from Earth. What remains are vestiges of our technology, abandoned and in search of purpose — and affection. In the vast, desolate oceans, a digital buoy floats without direction, voiced by Kristen Stewart. At the same time, a satellite hovering far above the planet, voiced by Steven Yeun, begins to pay attention. Together, these two artificial entities forge a distinct relationship, striving to comprehend their existence and the world they’ve inherited by — guess what? — exploring the internet.

Written and directed by Sam Zuchero and Andy Zuchero, *Love Me* transcends a mere sci-fi idea. It’s a deeply poignant examination of love, identity, and the human fixation with social media, influencers, and digital representations. The film poses significant inquiries about who we are beyond the meticulously crafted images we showcase online. Believe us — after witnessing it, this is a cinematic adventure that’s both intellectually stimulating and emotionally uplifting.

Save the date: *Love Me* debuts exclusively in theaters on January 31. Be sure to catch what might become one of the most memorable films of the year.