NYT Connections Clues and Solutions for March 25, 2025

**NYT Connections: Clues, Categories, and Solutions for Today**

*Connections* stands as one of the leading [New York Times word games](https://www.nytimes.com/games/connections), engaging players by challenging them to discover “shared links among words.” Much like *Wordle*, [*Connections*](https://mashable.com/article/nyt-connections-hint-answer-today-february-20-2024) resets daily at midnight, with each new challenge increasing in difficulty. If you’re facing a hurdle, we have hints and tactics to assist you.

If you’re only after today’s solution, scroll to the end of this piece. But if you prefer to uncover it on your own, continue reading for useful clues and advice.

### What is *Connections*?

The *New York Times*’ new word game has gone viral on social media. Developed with the assistance of associate puzzle editor Wyna Liu, *Connections* has become a fixture in the *Times*’ Games section. Accessible on both web browsers and mobile devices, it invites players to classify four words that share a common concept.

Each puzzle comprises 16 words, organized into four categories. These categories can include anything from book titles to software names, countries, and beyond. Although several words may appear to fit together, there’s just one accurate answer.

When you successfully recognize a set of four words, they disappear from the board. However, incorrect selections count as errors, and players have up to four mistakes allowed before the game concludes.

To assist in identifying connections, players can shuffle the board. Each category is color-coded based on difficulty:
– **Yellow**: Simplest
– **Green**: Intermediate
– **Blue**: Tough
– **Purple**: Hardest

Similar to *Wordle*, you can share your outcomes with friends on social platforms.

### Hint for Today’s *Connections* Categories

Need a slight push without disclosing the categories? Use these hints:
– **Yellow**: Timeless color pairing
– **Green**: Scrambled
– **Blue**: Alternative designation for POTUS
– **Purple**: The first two words mirror each other

### Today’s *Connections* Categories

If you seek additional assistance, here are today’s categories:
– **Yellow**: Black-and-white items
– **Green**: Wordplay
– **Blue**: Presidential nicknames in the U.S.
– **Purple**: Clear as ___

### Today’s *Connections* Answer

Prepared for the answer? This is your final opportunity to decipher the puzzle before we disclose the solutions.

Drumroll, please!

The answer to *Connections* #648 is:
– **Black-and-white items**: CROSSWORD, OREO, PANDA, TUXEDO
– **Wordplay**: ABEL, ABLE, BALE, BELA
– **Presidential nicknames in the U.S.**: ABE, CAL, DICK, TEDDY
– **Clear as ___**: A BELL, CRYSTAL, DAY, MUD

Didn’t solve it this time? No problem—another *Connections* puzzle will be available tomorrow, and we will return with further hints to assist you.

In search of more puzzles? Visit [Mashable’s games hub](https://games.mashable.com/) for Mahjong, Sudoku, crosswords, and more.

Curious about yesterday’s *Connections* answer? [Click here](https://mashable.com/article/nyt-connections-hint-answer-today-march-24-2025).

Enjoy puzzling! 🎉