The Best Action Films Now Available on Netflix Streaming

# The 25 Top Action Movies Currently Streaming on Netflix

Want to inject some adrenaline-fueled thrills into your Netflix playlist?

Whether your tastes run to intense Western confrontations, astute investigators, gravity-defying superheroes, unyielding zombies, audacious crooks, or bold heroines, Netflix has an energetic film to satisfy any action aficionado.

We understand that endlessly scrolling through Netflix can be a hassle when you’re simply looking to unwind and enjoy a terrific film. That’s why we’ve taken the initiative to compile the most exhilarating, stunt-heavy, and fast-paced action movies available on the service.

Here are 25 of the finest action films streaming on Netflix at the moment.

### 25. *Mad Max: Fury Road*

A tumultuous production set in the wasteland resulted in one of the most outstanding action films ever created. Directed by George Miller, *Fury Road* builds upon his original *Mad Max* trilogy with a relentless, lightning-fast pursuit that rarely eases up. Featuring Tom Hardy and Charlize Theron, this breathtaking and action-filled work is sheer cinematic exhilaration.

**How to watch:** *Mad Max: Fury Road* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 24. *Upgrade*

Logan Marshall-Green plays Grey, a man rendered paralyzed following a vicious attack. When he receives an experimental AI implant that restores his movement, he finds it also grants him enhanced combat skills. As he turns to revenge, he realizes the technology within him has its own motives. A captivating blend of sci-fi and action, *Upgrade* is an essential watch.

**How to watch:** *Upgrade* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 23. *Spider-Man 2*

Sam Raimi’s *Spider-Man 2* stands as one of the finest superhero films ever produced. Tobey Maguire reprises his role as Peter Parker, navigating his dual existence while confronting the formidable Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina). With stunning action sequences and emotional resonance, this film is a true classic.

**How to watch:** *Spider-Man 2* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 22. *Land of Bad*

This military action thriller centers around a team of soldiers trapped behind enemy lines in the Philippines. Featuring Liam Hemsworth, Luke Hemsworth, and Russell Crowe as a drone pilot overseeing their mission from a distance, *Land of Bad* provides gripping combat scenes and intense suspense.

**How to watch:** *Land of Bad* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 21. *Sniper*

This overlooked ’90s action flick features Tom Berenger and Billy Zane as top sharpshooters dispatched on a perilous mission in the Colombian jungle. Filled with nail-biting shootouts and strategic warfare, *Sniper* is a hidden treasure for fans of the genre.

**How to watch:** *Sniper* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 20. *The Man From U.N.C.L.E.*

Guy Ritchie’s sleek spy thriller brings the iconic TV series to the cinema. Henry Cavill and Armie Hammer portray rival agents compelled to collaborate to avert a nuclear disaster. With stylish action, clever humor, and a fantastic ensemble, this film is an entertaining nod to classic espionage tales.

**How to watch:** *The Man From U.N.C.L.E.* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 19. *The Nice Guys*

Ryan Gosling and Russell Crowe headline this witty action-comedy about a private investigator and a gritty enforcer teaming up to unravel a conspiracy in 1970s Los Angeles. Directed by Shane Black, *The Nice Guys* combines sharp humor with exhilarating action.

**How to watch:** *The Nice Guys* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 18. *The Karate Kid*

This cherished ’80s gem chronicles Daniel LaRusso (Ralph Macchio) as he learns karate from the sage Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) to confront bullies. Filled with heart, humor, and unforgettable training sequences, *The Karate Kid* is an enduring tale of the underdog.

**How to watch:** *The Karate Kid* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 17. *Dune: Part Two*

Denis Villeneuve’s grand sci-fi sequel continues Paul Atreides’ (Timothée Chalamet) quest as he embraces his fate on the desert world of Arrakis. With stunning visuals, gripping battles, and an exceptional cast, *Dune: Part Two* is a spectacle not to be missed.

**How to watch:** *Dune: Part Two* is currently streaming on Netflix.

### 16. *Oblivion*

Tom Cruise stars in this visually captivating sci-fi thriller about a drone technician discovering startling truths about Earth.