The popular Netflix show *You* is preparing for its fifth and concluding season, reuniting fans with Penn Badgley in the role of the intricate and unsettling Joe Goldberg. This time, Joe is making his way back to New York City, the backdrop of the show’s inaugural season and the site of his ominous journey’s origin.
Throughout the series, Joe has ventured across various locations, leaving a trail of destruction behind him. In Los Angeles, he mocked the city’s shallowness and fell for Love Quinn (Victoria Pedretti). Subsequently, he tried to adapt to suburban life, only to ruin it completely—quite literally—by staging his own death. In Season 4, Joe aimed for a new beginning in London, but his familiar habits returned, now with a literary, Edgar Allan Poe-inspired flair.
At present, Joe has gained a formidable partner in Kate (Charlotte Ritchie), who has wielded her influence to reinvent him as a victim of a harrowing series of violent occurrences. With this revamped public persona, the lingering question is: What are Joe and Kate’s next moves? Fans won’t have to wait too long to discover.
*You* Season 5 is set to debut on Netflix on April 2, with all episodes released simultaneously.